True Love
Is the only key
That will open
Your Heart
To the Divine

One can walk on many paths
In a lifetime
But the experimented traveler
Chooses for the path
Of Infinite!

O guest of the Divine
You come to His home,
Wear His garments
And eat His food,
Befriend His friends
And dance in His garden,
Giving love to His daughters.
And after all these years
You haven’t yet
Come to

Hollow you were made!
But you keep filling up
With your
How can you hear the Song
If you do not let the Divine Spirit
Blow through your head
As in a flute?

The Friend offered me once
A cup of his divine wine
I said: “I am afraid I cannot accept
See: I must keep my mind clear
To recognise the friend
From the foe”
He laughed and said:
“Why? I am both one and the other!”
Thus we drank together and danced
On His Music
The day after, I met both
Friends and foes
And to all I was kind,
Sharing this wine
Which would not let go
Of my lips

Someone asked me
If I believed in
I just burst in laughter
“As if All This
Was not magic already!”

The very Universe is action
And so you are what you seek.
Surrendering yourself to the Universe
Is surrendering to Reality,
Surrendering to the Here
And the Now.
Seek therefore Reality,
And not illusion
Or you may become illusion

Let’s share our bread
My companion!
Let me taste your Heart!
I am only too happy
To see He gave you
Yet another of His
Delicious recipes!

Teachers are playful and tricky
One of them
I always thought was an enemy

Until the day he said:
“You see Benjamin,
All this weeping on beautiful days
Was necessary:

I had to show you
What I don’t want you to be”

I had not realised then
He had my name
And looked exactly like me

Teachers are playful and tricky
When I meet one of my enemies
I now always ask
If he does not happen to be
One of those great teachers

The Sun and I had a little talk.
He said: “You see Benjamin,
My Lover is the Moon
And I don’t seem to understand her:
She keeps changing, always coming and going…”

So I told him:
“Then we have something in common:
Our Lover is a mysterious one
Making of this world a magic night,
We stare in silent awe.

For Her we remain shining,
Even if clouds of uncertainty pass by,
Even if She journeys afar,
She knows where to find us,
Shining and singing Her Beauty”

The Sun and I have something in common:
Never do we forget the one we Love

Love has been put on this Earth,
To disturb those who get too close,
To understanding

Why! Did you think you would
Win this game
So easily?

I have always wondered why those seers,
Prophets and Sages
Have never asked themselves:

“How could any book, any law or words
Explain what has no rule?”

What is this (non)-sense?
Why put order in chaos?
Why reasoning about Love?

Existence is really all but order,
So put your pen down, Benjamin
And go do your dance

Even for those who close their eyes,
The Sun keeps shining

The Distance

How far do I need to be
To be far away from you?

If it means not seeing you,
Then let me close my eyes

If it means not touching you,
The let me tie my hands

If it means not hearing you,
Then let me put wax in my ears

To be far away is living a second
Without loving you.

The Friend

Because of Love I cried,
So he cried with me.

Because of this cry I laughed,
So he laughed with me.

The Apple

The day I came back from the Desert,
My friend wanted to prepare a great feast
For me

Only, he didn’t know how to prepare such a meal
And let it burn.
All of it!

He didn’t know either the old apple
He gave me, confusingly,
Could then be so tasty

So I had to tell him all about This
To help his tears
Smiling at me

The Man keeps beating the Donkey,
To make it leap forward
While the Donkey, confused,
Knows there is
Nowhere to go

The Great Friend is playing
A piece of You and Me.

He definitely has come
In Her disguise
And is now the main actor
In my theatre

She plays her part so well,
I have now forgotten
My line…

I never believed in the word:

Until I wrote these lines.

Who told you Life
Is about being serious?
It is rather a great game,
And the rules are very simple:

1. Dig your toes in the mud,
2. Spread your wings in the air,
3. Jump into the fresh waters
4. Smile to the Sky
5. And love.

Come play with me?

When fear covers
The smile of the Moon

I know it is time for me to take a nap
In the secure lap of the Friend

If you find it so dark,
Why not
Light up a candle
And make this place
A bit brighter?

Snakes can only run away
Or bite

Fearful ones have
Neither legs to stand up,
Nor arms to fight
Hence we always approach them
With small steps,
Careful and light

Not to frighten them