What is my yoga?

yoga or ‘yoking’ the exercise/means of re-uniting (if not in actuallity, in knowing the state of union, yukti) can work only when it is a yoga of ‘letting go’, not a yoga of ‘getting more’.
For instance, even as my wish to know Reality is genuine, it is a desirous state which divides the world between desire and object of desire, a state which denies liberation and denies Reality itself for that one is absolute and therefore know no duality.
On the other hand, while there is letting go, or a total denying of any desires and fears, remains the self only. This is proper yoga in the sense that it reunites all things with the self, for without desires and fears the self is then know as complete. This self is undivided, the outter and inner are one, the manifested and unmanifested are one.
Only ignorance can make the real seem limited, for the real is absolute tangible and yet undescribable – it is an essence proven by the very ‘i am’, consciousness. When desire and fear arise, they do so only as the mind identifies them as such – when attention for these is denied (on the ground of their being an illusion), getting out of the groove as it were, what is found peace. Peace is that in which all things arise, just as noise arises i silence.
Pay attention to your yoga: what yoga are you really doing? Strife to absolute freedom, be nothing, just be.

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