Being Alive

M: So Benjamin, i am getting 40 very soon, and you are not even 30 yet...
B: Yes, i am about to get 30 soon and sometimes it also gives me a shock. It seems my twenties were last year only.
M: I have that too, life goes like this (snapping with fingers). Before you know it your children are grown up and they look at you asking you where you had been all the time. This is the reason why i think it is important to make something beautiful in life.
B: Well i don't agree. I think this idea is a denial of death. Trying to make something beautiful because you want to leave something behind, something which will survive you. But your work will one day also disappear, nothing is forever. Realising time flows should cause to live the present more consciously. There is no need of something special, just this (pointing at the table) is enough. All this matter, all this light. This is enough to look wake up and begin to absorb life, drink it completely. It will go too, it's true, ant that is the beauty, there is no need to make more beauty if you see this already.

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