
Non-pragmatic thoughts are attemps at rationalising emotions and most of these thoughts are sources of emotions too. This soon can roll up into a vicious circle.
Often too in what people call 'spiritual search' there is an attempt at understanding by means of thought, the Source of All, or the essence of Being. But understanding again is an attempt at rationalising, controlling emotions.

1. Thought will generate more emotions, it will not help.
2. Emotions will no kill you or injure you, unless you enter an extreme form of vicious circle as mentioned above, there is no help needed.

Knowing emotions, sensations, feelings is a way of knowing the limits of these, and that which can see the beginning and the end of emotion and still remains, is not affected by it. That is what some call 'the witness', or 'self' or even 'consciousness'. But let's not worry about the term because:
1. that would be a thought creating more emotions to deal with,
2. that thing IS what the very essence of what you ARE and therefore it needs no definitions, for a definition would need the witnessing of that witness and therefore it would be dependent and irrelevant to that.

Sensations are - as the word itself reveals - what senses do. We all know sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste, but we all know thought too. Usually when we see or hear something, thought (or rather its content) tries to label it, rationalise it. When thoughts appear too, it is thought again which tries to rationalise it (eg. 'dog' is a mammal of the canidae, with 4 legs, a tail, hair and lice, which befriends humans easily). In fact how do you 'know' there are thoughts? It is thanks to the 'witness'.

So leave the thought of what was, of what will be, of what could be, of definition and just be, or in other words, just sense. Sensation is all you know really, thought is just another sensation, perhaps more deceptive, but just a sensation. Sensation is how you know aliveness, reality, being. Without that, Being does not know itself.

If you sense a feeling which you can translate as "but wait i can't just leave it like this and let it all happen on me", or "but i must undersand this to be able to deal with it properly", or "but i cannot leave my thoughts, there is a lot to be done around here, what will happen if i don't do them?". Then know this as a sensation and sense it. It has come, it will go. You remain.

You do not need to stop doing things you do, you can still stand, sit, eat, sleep, work etc. Just sense, just be, know your being before engaging in intellectual epics. There is just this, the rest is thought, which is just this. Return to this, because this is what you really are, what really matters to you: sensing. This is what you can call meditation. But let's not get into definitions and thoughts because:
1. ...

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