You already have found what you seek,
for it is the seeking itself
which you sought.
The urge to embrace


Nathan said...

This also I like very much.

benjamin said...

Ha thanks. Really it's just my struggle.
When it all began (at the beginning of the blog) i had no idea of what spirituality was. It happened by itself so to speak, it was simple, i hadn't sought anything. It was suddenly facing me, as what i am. I was the Universe watching itself. Then in times of trouble it sort of slipped away from me. But was it so? Or did i believe it was so? Then i got into seeking and learning spiritual stuff. But the more i do the more disgust and anguish i feel towards the seeking. Yet stopping the seeking does not help either. So where does it hide?
It hides in plain sight, as the seeking itself, as in the old Sufi story of the man praying to Allah and then complaining he never gets any answer back. But one day he hears the voice of Allah who asks: "Who if not my voice, makes you pray?"
Seeking is not bad, not finding feels bad, but seeking without trying to find is great. What i knew before, when it all started was simple openness, curiosity towards my own being, not a quest for a holy grail.

Nathan said...

Definitely. Spirituality is just that simple honesty and openness. And even then I'm defining it too far. Because I'm defining it, trying to catch it, summise it. As a concept it just gets messed up. I mean, go to the spirituality section of a bookshop (not that that's a good or a bad thing in itself) and then take a walk in nature, see the futility of the bookshop!